Mandorlinfiore And The Dragons Of Zonza ( French: Mandorlinfiore Et Les Dragons De Zonza ) - Translation Example 36

————— Original English Text —————

The cat turned its back on Mandorlinfiore and the three mustachio’d bandits and began washing its paws. Mandorlinfiore reached out to stroke it, but its tail was twitching so he thought better of it.

‘Master Cat, sir,’ started Mandorlinfiore, ‘I did not mean to cause offence, but no cat I have ever met before has deemed me fit company to speak to.’

The cat stopped its washing, turned to Mandorlinfiore, and said, ‘I can well believe that.’ Then stood and stretched and said, ‘What in all of Zonza are you doing here?’

‘I am here to account for the King’s gold,’ said Mandorlinfiore, ‘he seems to think that this strong room leaks.’

‘Then the King would be right. At midnight tonight you will see why, but how you can stop such a leak is beyond me,’ said the cat, ‘and I am a very intelligent cat indeed.’

‘Master!’ said Sandrino, ‘Look here!’

Sandrino was on his knees in a corner of the room. He was pointing at a gold coin lodged in a crack in the stone wall.

‘Escobar,’ said Mandorlinfiore, ‘tell me what is behind this wall.’

‘How do I do that sir?’ said Escobar.

‘You are a ghost, Escobar, surely a solid wall is no barrier to you now?’ said Mandorlinfiore.

‘I will go,’ said Sandrino, ‘I do not believe there can be a fate worse than death.’

————— Translated French Text —————

Le chat tourna le dos à Mandorlinfiore et aux trois bandits moustachus et commença à se lécher les pattes. Mandorlinfiore tendit la main pour le caresser, mais voyant sa queue s'agiter, il se ravisa.

"Maître Chat, monsieur," commença Mandorlinfiore, "je n'ai pas voulu offenser, mais aucun chat que j'ai rencontré jusqu'ici n'a jugé bon de me tenir compagnie pour discuter."

Le chat cessa de se lécher, se tourna vers Mandorlinfiore et dit, "Je n'ai aucune peine à le croire." Puis il se leva, s'étira et demanda, "Que diable faites-vous ici, dans tout Zonza?"

"Je suis ici pour rendre des comptes sur l'or du Roi," dit Mandorlinfiore, "il semble penser que ce coffre-fort fuit."

"Alors le Roi aurait raison. À minuit ce soir, vous verrez pourquoi, mais comment vous pourrez arrêter une telle fuite me dépasse," dit le chat, "et je suis un chat très intelligent en effet."

"Maître!" s'exclama Sandrino, "Regardez ici!"

Sandrino était à genoux dans un coin de la pièce. Il pointait du doigt une pièce d'or coincée dans une fissure du mur en pierre.

"Escobar," dit Mandorlinfiore, "dis-moi ce qui se cache derrière ce mur."

"Comment puis-je faire ça, monsieur?" dit Escobar.

"Tu es un fantôme, Escobar, sûrement un mur solide ne te barre plus la route maintenant?" dit Mandorlinfiore.

"J'y vais," dit Sandrino, "Je ne crois pas qu'il puisse exister un destin pire que la mort."